11:32 pm PDT Tue, Mar 25


Airline and Baggage Check-in

Domestic flights to all 50 US states departing from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) allow airline baggage check-in. Passengers receive airline boarding passes and baggage claim tickets before arriving at LAX. This convenient and inexpensive service allows passengers to eliminate waiting to check in at airline ticketing counters or terminal curbside. Upon arrival at their airline terminal, passengers can proceed directly to passenger security screening. The check-in service provider transports the baggage to an LAX facility where they are inspected by Transportation Security Administration security screeners and then placed on board the passengers' flights. This service is not available to passengers on flights to international destinations, nor to the US territories in the Caribbean and the Pacific.

The fee is $5 per passenger for airline and baggage check-in. This is in addition to the bus fare.

Travelers can check in two bags (each bag must weight 50 pounds or less) anytime on the day of travel, but at least three hours before their flight departure time.

Check-In Service Locations

The service is available from:

  • LAX FlyAway Union Station - Berth 9 at Patsaouras Transit Plaza, East Portal of Union Station, downtown Los Angeles
  • LAX FlyAway Van Nuys - 7610 Woodley Avenue, Van Nuys in the San Fernando Valley (intersection of Woodley Avenue and Saticoy Street)
  • LAX FlyAway Westwood - Bus stop Kinross Ave. west of Gayley Ave at UCLA Parking Structure 32
  • Los Angeles Convention Center - 1201 South Figueroa Street, downtown Los Angeles
  • Port of Los Angeles World Cruise Center - Berth 91-93, World Cruise Center, San Pedro, CA
  • Port of Los Angeles World Cruise Center - Berth 91-93, World Cruise Center, San Pedro, CA

Please contact the service provider, Baggage Airline Guest Services, Inc. (BAGS), LAX_BAGS@airportbags.com for information on service fees at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Please contact your cruise line for information on service fees at the Port of Los Angeles World Cruise Center.

Participating Airlines

The service is available on domestic flights operated by the following airlines:

American Airlines, American Eagle, Alaska Airlines, Continental Airlines, Delta Airlines, Horizon Air, Northwest Airlines, Ted Airlines, United Airlines, and United Express/Skywest Airlines.

Additional airlines are expected to join the program soon.